Marlapalli Krishna
Marlapalli Krishna
Sir C R Reddy College of Engineering
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Cited by
A survey on multimedia analytics in security systems of cyber physical systems and IoT
M Krishna, SMB Chowdary, P Nancy, V Arulkumar
2021 2nd International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication …, 2021
Military object detection in defense using multi-level capsule networks
B Janakiramaiah, G Kalyani, A Karuna, LVN Prasad, M Krishna
Soft Computing 27 (2), 1045-1059, 2023
A critical evaluation of power quality features using Hybrid Multi-Filter Conditioner topology
G Satyanarayana, KL Ganesh, CN Kumar, MV Krishna
2013 international conference on green computing, communication and …, 2013
Production of β-glucosidase by Aspergillus terreus
S Pushalkar, KK Rao, K Menon
Current microbiology 30, 255-258, 1995
Cognitive Analytics and Comparison of Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography Algorithms
DP Joseph, M Krishna, K Arun
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science 6 (3), 2015
Cognitive Analytics and Comparison of Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography Algorithms
KA D Paul Joseph, M Krishna
International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and …, 2015
Intelligent system for leaf disease detection using capsule networks for horticulture
B Janakiramaiah, G Kalyani, LV Prasad, A Karuna, M Krishna
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 41 (6), 6697-6713, 2021
Predicting student performance using classification and regression trees algorithm
M Krishna, B Rani, GK Chakravarthi, B Madhavrao, SMB Chowdary
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 9 …, 2020
Smart ailment identification system for Paddy crop using machine learning
DR Rao, M Krishna, B Ramakrishna
International Journal for Innovative Engineering & Management Research 9 (3), 2020
Image smoothening and morphological operators based JPEG compression
M Krishna, G Srinivas, PR PVGD, F FOUZ, A ABI SEN, A PAKHOMOV, ...
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 85 (3), 252, 2016
Compression properties of e-glass/polyurethane composites
R Algood, SC Sharma, AA Syed, AV Rajulu, M Krishna
Journal of reinforced plastics and composites 25 (14), 1445-1447, 2006
Digital image processing techniques in character recognition-a survey
M Krishna, G Satyanarayana, VDS Sri
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science …, 2017
THD optimization of sequential switching technique based hybrid IPD modulation scheme for CMLI
MV Krishna, G Satyanarayana, KL Ganesh, D RaviKiran
2014 International Conference on Science Engineering and Management Research …, 2014
Failure mechanism in rigid PUF sandwich structures with varied skin materials under bending load
KV Arun, SM Yadav, Chandradharappa, S Basavarajappa, M Krishna
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 29 (11), 1626-1640, 2010
Edge Based Reliable Digital Watermarking Scheme for Authorized Ownership
DM Krishna, VDS Sri, BSBP Rani, G Satyanarayana
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics pp, 1291-1299, 2018
Edge Based Reliable Digital Watermarking Scheme for Authorized Ownership
BSBPRGS Dr. Marlapalli Krishna, V Devi Satya Sri
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 119 (7), 1291 - 1299, 2018
A smoothening based JPEG compression for an objective image quality enhancement of regular and noisy images
M Krishna, P Prasad Reddy, G Srinivas, C Ramesh
IJAER 11 (6), 3799-3804, 2016
MB,” A review on image compression techniques” in Communication Software and Networks
M Krishna, BR SBP, B Rambabu, P Vallabaneni
Springer, Singapore, 2021
Filter Based Jpeg Compression for Noisy Images
K Marlapalli, SBP Rani Bandlamudi, SSV Devi, KR Rao
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 9, 1233-1248, 2017
The VLIW Architecture for Real-Time Depth Detection in Image Processing
DM Krishna
International Journal of Computer Science & Mechatronics 2 (6), 1 - 9, 2016
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Articles 1–20