Jean Gagnon
Jean Gagnon
Research Director
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Cloning and expression of the rat prolactin receptor, a member of the growth hormone/prolactin receptor gene family
JM Boutin, C Jolicoeur, H Okamura, J Gagnon, M Edery, M Shirota, ...
Cell 53 (1), 69-77, 1988
Neuronal cell Thy-1 glycoprotein: homology with immunoglobulin
AF Williams, J Gagnon
Science 216 (4547), 696-703, 1982
Squash trypsin inhibitors from Momordica cochinchinensis exhibit an atypical macrocyclic structure
JF Hernandez, J Gagnon, L Chiche, TM Nguyen, JP Andrieu, A Heitz, ...
Biochemistry 39 (19), 5722-5730, 2000
Ovalbumin: a secreted protein without a transient hydrophobic leader sequence.
RD Palmiter, J Gagnon, KA Walsh
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 75 (1), 94-98, 1978
Molecular cloning of the CD9 antigen. A new family of cell surface proteins.
C Boucheix, P Benoit, P Frachet, M Billard, RE Worthington, J Gagnon, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 266 (1), 117-122, 1991
Accumulation of small heat shock proteins, including mitochondrial HSP22, induced by oxidative stress and adaptive response in tomato cells
N Banzet, C Richaud, Y Deveaux, M Kazmaier, J Gagnon, ...
The Plant Journal 13 (4), 519-527, 1998
Comparison of taste qualities and thresholds of D-and L-amino acids
SS Schiffman, K Sennewald, J Gagnon
Physiology & behavior 27 (1), 51-59, 1981
Rat brain Thy-1 glycoprotein. The amino acid sequence, disulphide bonds and an unusual hydrophobic region
DG Campbell, J Gagnon, KB Reid, AF Williams
Biochemical journal 195 (1), 15-30, 1981
The primary structure of the beta‐subunit of the cell surface adhesion glycoproteins LFA‐1, CR3 and p150, 95 and its relationship to the fibronectin receptor.
SK Law, J Gagnon, JE Hildreth, CE Wells, AC Willis, AJ Wong
The EMBO journal 6 (4), 915-919, 1987
Solution Structure of the Squash Trypsin Inhibitor MCoTI-II. A New Family for Cyclic Knottins,
A Heitz, JF Hernandez, J Gagnon, TT Hong, TTC Pham, TM Nguyen, ...
Biochemistry 40 (27), 7973-7983, 2001
The tyrosine kinase substrate eps15 is constitutively associated with the plasma membrane adaptor AP-2.
A Benmerah, J Gagnon, B Bègue, B Mégarbané, A Dautry-Varsat, ...
The Journal of cell biology 131 (6), 1831-1838, 1995
Peptide and nucleotide sequences of rat CD4 (W3/25) antigen: evidence for derivation from a structure with four immunoglobulin-related domains.
SJ Clark, WA Jefferies, AN Barclay, J Gagnon, AF Williams
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 84 (6), 1649-1653, 1987
MRC OX‐2 antigen: a lymphoid/neuronal membrane glycoprotein with a structure like a single immunoglobulin light chain.
MJ Clark, J Gagnon, AF Williams, AN Barclay
The EMBO Journal 4 (1), 113-118, 1985
Evidence for conservation of ferritin sequences among plants and animals and for a transit peptide in soybean.
M Ragland, JF Briat, J Gagnon, JP Laulhere, O Massenet, EC Theil
Journal of Biological Chemistry 265 (30), 18339-18344, 1990
Biochemical and structural analysis of Helix pomatia agglutinin: A hexameric lectin with a novel fold
JF Sanchez, J Lescar, V Chazalet, A Audfray, J Gagnon, R Alvarez, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (29), 20171-20180, 2006
Purification and characterization of a phytase (myo-inositol-hexakisphosphate phosphohydrolase) accumulated in maize (Zea mays) seedlings during germination
AM Laboure, J Gagnon, AM Lescure
Biochemical Journal 295 (2), 413-419, 1993
Precursor of egg white lysozyme. Amino acid sequence of an NH2-terminal extension.
RD Palmiter, J Gagnon, LH Ericsson, KA Walsh
Journal of Biological Chemistry 252 (18), 6386-6393, 1977
Purification and characterization of acylation stimulating protein
KM Cianflone, AD Sniderman, MJ Walsh, HT Vu, J Gagnon, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 264 (1), 426-430, 1989
Evidence from cDNA clones that the rat leukocyte-common antigen (T200) spans the lipid bilayer and contains a cytoplasmic domain of 80,000 Mr
ML Thomas, AN Barclay, J Gagnon, AF Williams
Cell 41 (1), 83-93, 1985
Isolation of a highly purified myelin protein
J Gagnon, PR Finch, DD Wood, MA Moscarello
Biochemistry 10 (25), 4756-4763, 1971
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Articles 1–20